Get a Library Card
The Caldwell Public Library serves residents of the city of Caldwell. Caldwell residents and those owning property within Caldwell city limits, qualify for a borrower card.
How to Apply
In Person
Visit the Caldwell Public Library.
Bring your Photo ID and proof of residence to the circulation desk. If you are under 18, a parent or legal guardian will need to be present to sign the application and show photo ID and proof of residence.
Acceptable Documents - Proof of Residence
Mail received at residence within the last 30 days
Electronic form of utility bill from the last 30 days
Signed rental or lease agreement from the last 30 days
Proof of auto insurance
Valid Idaho driver’s license or ID card, issued within the last year
Tax assessment notice
Postcard sent by the library to the patron’s physical address
Those residing outside Caldwell city limits may purchase library services with an annual fee.
Annual nonresident card: $47.31
Six month nonresident card: $23.65
Annual senior nonresident card: $25.75
Six month senior nonresident card: $12.88
*prices include tax
Renewing Your Library Card
Your library card expires one year after it was issued, or one year after your last renewal. Accounts that have been expired for more than 3 years will be removed from our system, and a new library card application will be required to resume services.
Need to renew your card? Here are your options:
In Person: Bring your photo ID to the front desk at the library to renew your card. If the address on your account has changed, you will also need to provide new proof of address.
Over the Phone: If the address on your account has not changed, you are able to renew your card over the phone. Give us a call at 208-459-3242 to renew your card.
We are unable to take payments for non-resident card renewals over the phone, but you can opt to pay for your card through your online account.
Replacing a Lost Card
If your card is lost or stolen, notify the library immediately. For more information, please contact the circulation desk at 208.459.3242.