Ultimate Book Nerd Reading Challenge
Are you brave enough to take the challenge? Ultimate Book Nerd runs from January 2-December 16, 2025. Read one book per category for the designated number of categories for your age group to win a prize and achieve the rank of Ultimate Book Nerd!
Challenge is open from January 2-July 1, 2025.
Find your age group below to learn how to get started.
Not sure what to read for each category? Join our Ultimate Book Nerd Facebook Group to ask a fellow participant or browse NoveList Plus on lili.org to search books by genre, audience, topic, and more!
Want to suggest a future challenge category or improvement to the program? Click the button below to fill out our feedback form:
Digital Log Update
Beanstack can be used to digitally log your books.
You can go to the beanstack website or download the app for more information.
Otherwise, you can find paper logs to print below.
You may contact the library with any questions at infolibrary@cityofcaldwell.org or by calling 208-459-3242.
Adults (ages 18+)

How it works:
There are 60 categories, each participant must read 1 book in each of 50 categories to win (the same book cannot be used for multiple categories).
Books read must be Middle Grade reading level (grade 4-8) or higher to count toward the challenge.
All books must be recorded by Monday, December 16, 2025. Paper logs must be submitted by 5 p.m.
Physical books, e-books, and audiobooks count toward the challenge.
Books must be started and completed within the contest time period.
Sign-ups must be before July 1, 2025 to participate.
I've read a book, now what?
Be sure to record the following information in the category of your choosing:
Title and Author of book read
Date Started
Date Completed
Then, pick a new category and start a different book!
Get started!
Use the paper reading log to keep track of your books. If you need help signing up, please give us a call at 208-459-3242.
Teens (ages 13-17)

How it works:
There are 45 categories, each participant must read 1 book in each of 35 categories to win (the same book cannot be used for multiple categories).
All books must be recorded by Monday, December 16, 2025. Paper logs must be submitted by 5 p.m.
Physical books, e-books, and audiobooks count toward the challenge.
Books must be started and completed within the contest time period.
Sign-ups must be before July 1, 2025 to participate.
I've read a book, now what?
Be sure to record the following information in the category of your choosing:
Title and Author of book read
Date Started
Date Completed
Then, pick a new category and start a different book!
Get started!
Use the paper reading log to keep track of your books. If you need help signing up, please give us a call at 208-459-3242.
Kids (ages 5-12)

How it works:
There are 30 categories, each participant must read 1 book in each of 25 categories to win (the same book cannot be used for multiple categories).
All books must be recorded by Monday, December 16, 2025. Paper logs must be submitted by 5 p.m.
Physical books, e-books, and audiobooks count toward the challenge.
Books must be started and completed within the contest time period.
Sign-ups must be before July 1, 2025 to participate.
I've read a book, now what?
Be sure to record the following information in the category of your choosing:
Title and Author of book read
Date Started
Date Completed
Then, pick a new category and start a different book!
Get started!
Use the paper reading log to keep track of your books. If you need help signing up, please give us a call at 208-459-3242.