Community Needs and Tech

Supporting the community is a huge focus for libraries. We work hard every day trying to assess the needs of the public as well guiding patrons to the strongest and most valid information we can find. Our patrons have always had a need for the physical resources in the library, such as public computers, to use for business and school.
Our community has enjoyed our computers in various forms, whether to check on email, apply for jobs, finish school projects, or just hang out after school playing games. Staff members have always been available to help with scanning, printing and other computer assistance at the library.
While during this time we cannot commit to this type of assistance (due to the safety of our staff and the public), we are still very concerned with the real need for some of our community members to be connected to the internet and technology - especially those without the luxury of having their own devices or internet access.

Community WiFi Access
Here is information about what is available at this time. Please remember to practice social distancing while accessing free WiFi areas as well as awareness of your surroundings.
Library WiFi access:
Caldwell Public Library has WiFi access around the building. Accessible from the building out to the parking lot.
Internet WiFi access:
Sparklight is offering WiFi access around their office buildings during the pandemic. More information on this can be found here. They have also opened Wi-Fi hotspots at Caldwell Housing Authority, 22730 Farmway Road, Luby Park on North Illinois and Marble Front Road, College of Idaho on Oak St and Ohio Ave, and the corner of S 10th Ave and Laster St. in Caldwell. Caldwell School District is working on extending WiFi further into their parking lots.
Caldwell School District is also working to extend WiFi access at their schools into the parking lots for student use. You can find more information here.
Want to Help?
This is a daunting, multi-faceted community issue that we are facing and there are many organizations working actively to support those who need it. Below is a map of WiFi spots in Caldwell. The library will keep working with other organizations to try and provide the best support possible. We are available for phone, email, or chat assistance daily, from 10 am to 5 pm, with the exception of Sundays. Please reach out if you have questions or need help or guidance.

Idaho Business for Education is working on collecting and refurbishing computers for students.
Home Internet Access
The Idaho State Department of Education has a list of what every internet provider is providing for discounts for service to support learning at home. Here is a link to a large file that is available in English and Spanish.